What You Can Learn From Theodore Roosevelt

This photo of Theodore Roosevelt as taken at a haunting moment in history. This single photo holds the key to becoming a better businessperson too! Let me explain.

On October 14, 1912, Roosevelt was planning on giving a speech. He started by saying, “Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible.”

Just as the crowd calmed to an eerie silence, a loud bang was heard. Roosevelt had been shot. He continued to speak almost as if nothing had happened. He said, “I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot.” Much to the crowd’s shock, he unbuttoned his bloodstained shirt, and said, “It takes more than that to kill a bull moose!”

Roosevelt took his speech papers out of his coat pocket. There was a bullet hole through all 50 pages. The papers had saved his life.

Then things got stranger because Roosevelt had a self-claimed photographic memory. He went on to give a ninety-minute speech without using his notes, even though his aides insisted he go to the hospital. He finally agreed to visit the hospital only AFTER he’d finished the speech.

The image above was Roosevelt’s face later that very same day. He was fifty-three at the time. And what a badass he was!

Even in the most challenging circumstances, you can persist. Teddy knew he was to deliver this speech no matter the cost.

So, how about you? When you have events in your day that make life difficult, what’s your response? Do you give up and quit, or do you press forward and do what you have to do? The adage that, “Winners never quit, and quitters never win,” is absolutely true. Keep on keeping on no matter what!

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